Friday, March 21, 2008

Getting ready for summer!

We are enjoying some early season pool time at the Hoover Rec's indoor pool this Spring Break. Both boys are doing great swimming...and Clay is even joining Turner in jumping off the diving board AND swimming back to the side unassisted! Don't worry, I am swimming with them, just not helping unless they need it. They will be ready when the outdoor pools open!

Thursday, March 20, 2008

Lanie in her crib

Spring Break Camping at Tannehill

So Spring Break is here and everyone is gone to the beach...or somewhere! Well, Sam and Emma are gone to the beach for their first big camping trip in their new pop-up, so that means we have 2 bored kids. We decided to stay close to home this spring break for obvious reasons. But I didn't let that keep us from an adventure! I decided to see if I could get a spot to camp one night at Tannehill...just the boys! And that way they wouldn't feel like they didn't get to go somewhere for spring break. Well, I went out Sunday afternoon to Tannehill to see if I could get a spot, knowing it was all a gamble because it is a very popular local campground. It was a beautiful day, so even if I didn't get in, it wasn't a big deal. I waited in a line with all the other spring break campers...and after about 1 hr. I was headed to our spot to set up a tent and hold it while I went home to get the camper. We loaded it up with some pop tarts, microwave pancakes, peanut butter and jelly, hamburgers, cokes...and off we went. We were all set up on our spot next to the creek by 4:00. Not bad!
The campground was FULL! There were dirty kids everywhere, fires lighting up every spot and bikes clogging all the roads. I saw this little boy on a beat-up bike wearing an awesome shirt. It said "I make DIRT look good." I love camping! One of our neighbors was a teacher from Oak Grove who knows a bunch of my coworkers...pretty cool. We talked for a while. We always meet great folks camping. We got our fire going at sunset and fired up the grill for some good ol' burgers, Doritos and Cherry Cokes! Well, at least Turner and I drank the Cherry Cokes. Clay opted for juice since he doesn't really like the "fizzy stuff." Then we settled in for some roasting marshmallows and playing with sticks in the far. Just when it seemed like things were got better 'cause Meghan and Lanie showed up. Meghan decided to try camping with Lanie. After all, it isn't as though we are in a little tent. Our camper has a really comfy beds (our room has a door, thank goodness), heat/ac, a full bathroom and pretty much everything you need to rough it comfortably. Lanie liked if she really knew she was at a campground... and after a decent night's sleep, we decided to extend our stay to one more night. The weather was great and everyone was happy. I got up with the boys about 8 (actually awoke to someone knocking on the camper door, but will talk about that later), brewed some coffee and took Lanie out for her first stroller ride around the park. She loved it, just looked all around and smiled at the folks who had to come take a look at the cute little baby.
Meghan enjoyed getting to sleep in a few hours extra without a baby at her side. We spent the day just hanging out. It was very nice and relaxing. We even got to enjoy a homemade treat from the "Sweet Shop" which is usually closed when we have been there before (it's a little log cabin that houses a few old women who know how to make some great confectionary goodies). The boys usually get to spend their money on a treat or two at the camp store...which is often their favorite part of any trip to Tannehill, but the treats in the Sweet Shop are MUCH better. Turner met up with a friend from his school and they played a good bit both Monday and Tuesday. They rode bikes, trounced through the woods and threw the frisbee. All in all it was a great time and a good way to see how camping with a little baby is going to be this summer since we will be at the beach camping for a couple of weeks. It has been a great spring break for all of us!

Now for the story behind the knock on the camper door at 8 am...this is a doosie! I went to the door and their was a lady there saying she thought my car had been broken into cause the door was open and the glovebox was open. Well, I went out, it was open...but nothing seemed to be amiss. I started looking around and noticed that were quite a few folks milling around the area talking about their cars being rifled though too, some of them missing phones, money, ipods, etc. Well, as everyone started talking and sharing info, a lady camping close by in a tent heard doors opening and closing a lot and saw 2 boys standing around by the camper next to her tent really late. But she didn't really know what they were doing or make any kind of connection. We all figured out that it was a kid from a camper close by. The kid left out early with his mom's car, but the Law arrived and waited for his return. Well, he showed up and the campground drama ensued. He still had everyone's stuff in the car and he spent the next 3 hours in the back of the cop car...while just about everyone in the campground filtered through to witness the spectacle and put in their two-sense. And believe me, campground justice is something someone needs to do a documentary on! It was all pretty funny...disheartening, but funny. It's actually to the kid's benefit that the cops caught him and not some of the guys he stole from, 'cause they would have tarred-and-feathered him for sure! We-most campers in general- really don't think about stuff like that happening in a campground...heck, we left the keys in the ignition of our car! It would have been really easy to take...but again we have always felt pretty safe. That's what everyone else said too...hence the reason this kid was able to get so much stuff so easily... 'cause no one locks their car! Well, we will from now on. And the fact that it was just a mischievous kid makes it a little more tolerable. It will make for some good story telling next week as all those kids go back to their schools! I can just hear 'em now..."Hey guys, you won't believe what happened at Tannehill over Spring Break..."

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Flat Stanley Returns from Japan!!!

When the mailman showed up the other day with a large box, Turner was hoping it was Flat Stanley coming home from Japan. And it was! Not only did Flat Stanley come home...he brought lots of stuff with him. He came home with lots of Japanese newspapers, some gummy treats, cookies, traditional Japanese Origami Paper, and other treats for Turner to share with his classmates next week when he goes back to school! Our friends Margie and Stan Stevens live in Japan where Stan is a technology specialist/teacher on a U.S. Military base in Iwakuni. They were kind enough to take Flat Stanley on lots of great trips as part of Turner's class project. They took him all kinds of places and took some great pictures which can be seen on their blog. Above, you can see FS at school reading with some kids and in the other picture he's having tea! Go read about Flat Stanley's adventures, and while you are there see how life in Japan is for Stan and Margie! This has been a great project for Turner and he's really learned a great deal about the world, geography and different cultures. Thanks Stan and Margie for helping make this a success and being so generous! Shipping a bunch of stuff from half-way around the world isn't cheap!

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Good Girl

So Lanie is turning out to be a pretty easy little girl. She is sleeping good, she doesn't cry a great deal and boy is she pretty! Can you tell it's her dad writing this?! We went to the dr. yesterday for a check-up to see if her jaundice was getting better. After a heel-stick and a little crying, they said it was going that's a blessing! We are enjoying our time at home...just me, Lanie and Meghan while the boys are at school. It's really nice to move at a slower pace, rest and just enjoy this special time while we can. And what an amazing day outside! While folks are experiencing cold and snow, we have our first real taste of springtime. The flowers are blooming, weeds are growing and the days are a little longer. Boy do the kids have blast outside on days like this! And as for riding my bike...well, days like this are as close to perfect as they come. And because my wife is so cool, I even got out today for a about 25 miles with a few friends. Its gonna be a great Spring...I know it!

Monday, March 10, 2008

Adventures in Parenting... the 3rd Time Around

Lanie had her first doctor's appt this morning, as you can see from the photo she is getting a little jaundiced so we laid this naked little fat baby by the window yesterday to see if that would help. Lanie decided that would be a good time for a nap, apparently anytime it's daylight outside is a good time for her to nap but around 8pm she is ready to party for the night! Even though it was two adults against one baby this morning we still managed to be 20 minutes late for her doctor appt and were in the car leaving when it occured to me that we not only did we not have a diaper bag with us we didn't even have one ready to go so Jeff ran in and threw 2 diapers and a full size box of wipes into a diaper bag big enough to be a suitcase and off we went. So much for being more prepared the third time around!
Since I haven't had a chance to post yet I wanted to say thanks to everyone for the prayers and warm wishes. I guess things do work out the way they are supposed to because on Monday when we were initially supposed to deliver her and were sent home I was a nervous wreck. With all the problems with this pregnancy I had worked myself into a 'tizzy' worrying that something would go wrong or that she wouldn't be healthy. Somehow by the time Wednesday morning got here (and I know this is because there were several folks praying for us after the drama on Monday!) I was totally at peace. There is something truly awesome about just really giving it to God and trusting that things are in his hands no matter the outcome and that he is right there with us through everything we go through. We experienced several small miracles that day... one of the coolest is that labor wasn't progressing with her because she wasn't in the right position... they tried moving me several different ways to get her to move with no luck. When the time came to try pushing, the doctor and nurse watched as she turned herself into the perfect position to make an exit. I know this happens a lot, but it really is amazing! I also have to give props to Montclair Hospital, after having both boys at StVincent's we were pleasantly surprised with the care we received. The rooms were awesome, the NICU where Lanie was taken was on the same floor as the mother/baby rooms so she was close by and the steak dinner they bring Mom & Dad after giving birth was a nice treat! Now that we are home, I keep wondering if the 'baby blues' are going to kick in but I think this time around I am just too happy for any of that since we have the gift of a precious new baby girl in the house. Even with the exhaustion and aches and pains it just feels like a magical time with her finally here... after nine months of hoping time would hurry up and get her here I just want it to slow down now so we can enjoy her that much more. With Turner & Clay so big now I am constantly reminded of how quickly time passes, wasn't it just yesterday that they were this tiny?

Sunday, March 9, 2008

Settling In

Day 3 at home is almost over. Things are still crazy, but it's nice being home and trying to settle in with a new baby. Lanie is enjoying being home, but we are trying to figure out her sleep schedule because it isn't too in-tune with ours! Imagine that! I am guessing the Saturdays of sleeping until 9 are over. But's it's all well worth it.

I had my first Epiphany Team meeting today and it was just great. There were lots of people there and everything went very smooth. I know it is going to be an awesome weekend and I am glad the first team meeting is under my belt. I was a bit anxious, to say the least, with all the OTHER stuff going on right now, but I should have known that God always works things out perfectly! Worrying about HIS stuff really is a waste of time. I am very grateful for all of the folks who answered the call to serve.

Now we are getting ready for our first full week back at home with Lanie. We will see what kind of routine we can get it with the kids getting off to school and Meghan and I enjoying some time at home together with Lanie. It really is a blessing to be able to take paternity leave for a full week so I can stay home and help Meghan make the adjustment to having a new baby around. I have never been able to do that before and I am pretty excited about it. When Clay was born, I missed 2 days and was back in the classroom. But I didn't have the time then either because I was just beginning my career as a teacher. Now I do and I going to use it. Although I love my job, I know time goes way too fast so to be able to share the first couple of weeks with mom and baby is priceless. I don't think many dads get to experience those first few weeks at home so I am going to take advantage of it while I can. In the whole scheme of things, missing work for several day to stay home and bond with my little girl while helping Meghan adjust to all that goes along with being a mom is WELL WORTH IT! She really has tough job, but I must say over the past couple of days I have seen her do it with grace and without complaint! Even though sleep has been almost non-existent, she has kept a great attitude and I am thankful that our children have such a devoted, caring mommy. So as this day comes to a end and I reflect over the past several days and all of the amazing things I have been a witness to, I am very aware of what a blessed life I have been given and what an amazing family God has allowed me to be a part of. Just when I think things are going good, He steps it up a notch and offers great! I just hope I can keep that perspective...

Friday, March 7, 2008

We are home!!!! YEAH!

We made it home safely, but not without a stop by Guthrie's for dad to pick up some good healthy comfort food. Everyone is starting to settle in and Clay has become quite the "Lanie's Man." He hopped right up in the bed to hold his little sis for a while, went out and played, and came back in to hold her some more! He and Turner also got to give her a bottle which they thought was pretty cool. We have unpacked, set up the swing and bouncy seat and are looking forward to our first night at home as a family of 5 (actually 7 if you count Thomas and Gizmo). We have been overwhelmed at the response to the blog, the kind emails and comments, the beautiful flowers (from the Bibles, the Richardson's, and the boys) the folks who have volunteered to bring meals, the great basket from the 6th grade at Bumpus and a whole week's worth of meals delivered by Healthy Meals as a gift from my generous, thoughtful family at Bumpus! Thanks Everyone!!! We are sooooo Blessed in sooooo many ways!

On the road again...

But this tme it's to bring Lanie home for the first time! We are really glad to be going home and see what the boys really think when they get home from school today! I know we are all ready to get some normalcy back and start to settle into a new routine with a baby...boy it has been a while. I am pretty sure the days of sleeping till 9 am are over. Today was really first time we both got rest and now we are ready for home. Lanie checked out A+ with the Dr. and Meghan is feeling good, so we once again are counting our blessings.

Thursday, March 6, 2008

Lanie's First Video!

Here's another attempt at a Video of Little Lanie.


We would like to offer a HUGE THANKS to everyone who has visited the blog, left comments, sent emails, and lifted us up in prayer! I will say it once again that we are very lucky to have such awesome, kind folks like you thinking about us and taking time out of your busy day to leave us a note. We are very grateful for the huge outpouring of love and support over the last few days!

And as a first attempt at blogging, this has been a FUN, EASY way to keep everyone informed, share pictures and other stuff with everyone. In case you don't know...this is a completely free tool and you can set up your own blog(s) for whatever you want. Just click here and follow the steps! It really is easy and fun. This just goes to show how powerful the web has become and how we can all be actively involved in using it.

Lanie Elizabeth Slideshow

Picasa SlideshowPicasa Web AlbumsFullscreen

Wednesday, March 5, 2008

All is well!

Lanie is out of the NICU, spent some time with mommy in the room and is now getting her first bath! Everything they were checking her for turned out to be okay, so we can rest a little easier tonight. Meghan is fast asleep and she needs it after such a long day. But what a beautiful day it has really been! I am off to get some rest too, so check back tomorrow for some more pictures and maybe a video. I put one up but can't seem to get it to load. It was made in IMovie...any Ideas?

Lanie's First Picture!

Here is our amazing little PRINCESS. I will get some more up when there is time to relax and do some work. Lanie's in the NICU right now for a few tests to make sure all is well, but we are fairly confident it is nothing major...more precautionary than anything else, but still no fun. Meghan really just wants to rest now after 8 hours of labor. Ya think? I was ready to whine after holding her (Meghan) up for about 5 mins, so who do you think the real tough one in the family is?! And she never once whined! I can't hold a candle to the amount of effort and energy she put in to this day and the fact that she didn't lose her cool one time is pretty awesome! What a great wife and mommy! Thanks again for reading and sending up your thoughts and prayers as they made for a day that we will never forget!

She's Here!

Lanie Elizabeth Richardson is here! Born at 4:40pm. She's awesome! And mom is too! She weighs 8lbs 14oz and all seems to be well. Check back in a bit for pictures! And listen to the voki...that's her sweet little cry!

Getting Closer...

Its been 8 long hours, but its getting close! Stay tuned...and keep the positive thoughts coming.

Slowly but surely...

It's slow going, but hopefully it won't be too much longer! Keep the thoughts and prayers coming!

Making Progress

The epidural is in, contractions are good and Meghan is feeling lots of peace! Thank you all for your prayers and thoughts...we can feel them for sure! Hopefully it won't be too much longer.

So far so good

We are hear at the hospital and they aren't sending us home today! Good thing for them! We got up extra early just to practice some hostage taking scenarios in case they did try and send us home. Meghan is all hooked up, we have a great nurse and I am enjoying a quick meal in the cafeteria as I type this. They have some good breakfast here! More news to come...

Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Lanie's Little Nursery

Here's a picture of where she will be coming home to. Meghan did a fantastic job of painting the pictures, coordinating all the colors, and even putting the bed together! All I did was hang a shelf and tell her how pretty it looks. Wow...what a blessing it is to have such a talented wife with great tastes! And I must say, she had a great time decorating for a little girl!

To call or Not to call...

So today's dilemma has become whether or not to call the hospital tonight and make sure it's okay to come in at 6am for another scheduled induction. If we call, we give them the chance to say "oh, we are sorry, but we need to schedule for another day because tomorrow isn't good." If we don't call, we don't give them that chance. But then we risk getting up again, loading up the car and getting there...being all ready for the delivery only to have our hopes once again crushed by those evil words of "we are going to need you to come back on another day." I think we are going to opt for the 'no call' and take our chances in the am.

So now the kids are gone AGAIN to Grandmama's house and they, as are we, really hoping Lanie arrives tomorrow. But for all we know, they are probably just thrilled at the idea of getting to miss a day of school. Turner's entire class made paper babies for him to give to his mommy. He was very proud and she is very impressed! That's what you see in the picture. For now, we are going to go out, run a few errands and have yet another 'last meal' before the big day. Stay tuned...

Monday, March 3, 2008

Or maybe not! No Lanie today...

Okay, we got up this am about 5, brushed our teeth and hair and headed to the hospital for what we thought would be one of those amazing days we would never forget..mentioning along the way that when we made the trip back home it would be with a little baby girl in backseat. Well, we won't forget it alright, but not because it has been amazing. Apparently when a low pressure system moves in like the one headed our way that's going to bring bad weather tonight, women seem to go into labor. Well, that's great and all...if you are one of THOSE women! But Meghan is not. We were there for a scheduled induction. But because so many natural labors were happening, they were short staffed (at least that's what we are guessing) and asked us to go home and return Wednesday. Oh boy...2 more days! Meghan was a little upset, but I must say she has taken it very well...better than I think I would have if I were in her shoes. We quickly left the hospital for some bittersweet breakfast. I guess that means we have 2 more days to prepare. But we really don't need to prepare anymore...we just want to meet little LANIE!!! It's all in God's Hands though and for whatever reason, she isn't here today. His timining is perfect...but I must say He has a sense of humor that I don't always get. But it won't be much longer.

The tough part was for the boys. We had to go get them from grandmama's house on the one day they were hoping to get to miss school "'cause they were having a baby sister." Well, they were a little dissappointed when their mom and dad showed up to pull them away from playing games in their jammies with grandmama so they could dressed and go check in to school! Total bummer for them! We figured if we hurried, we could get them there in-time to not get counted absent for the whole day! Ah, the joys of being the child of a public educator!!!

Sunday, March 2, 2008

Our Last Night...

as a family of 4! The boys are very excited and can't wait for their new sister. Although they are excited, they have made it very clear they will not be changing any diapers even though Lisa forced them through Diaper Changing 101 using some diapers and a stuffed bear! We dropped the boys off with their grandparents and Meghan and I went out for a nice big dinner at Logan's. Now we are getting our bags packed, the cameras charged, and hoping we can sleep tonight! It's going to be tough to rest knowing that we will be welcoming a new baby into the world a matter of hours! I guess we are far as the house, nursery, diapers, clothes, swing (thanks to Suzan!), car seat and that kind of stuff go. Meghan has really worked hard to get everything "just so" and with everyone's generosity, we have everything we need at this point. The nursery looks great, the closet is FULL, and we have enough diapers to last for a while. Now we just rest and pray for an easy delivery tomorrow. It's nice having such a great circle of friends and family to support us with gifts and most of all prayer during this exciting time. Check back soon!