Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Video test

At the school gym...Lanie saying 'da da' and rolling around the gym in her walker. I am testing out video from my phone and seeing if it goes right to the blog.

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Like Father, Like Sons

The Mullet and Red Hat from who knows where have become staple items around our house and they never fail to produce smiles...or looks of lust and envy. That depends on who wears them and where! Clay dressed up as a farmer for his class play and so the mullet and hat came out. Don't worry, he didn't wear the mullet in his play. However, he does look good in it. But I think Turner wins the prize. Turner happens to be ALMOST as photogenic in the get-up as his old man. But he isn't quite big enough to fill out the "Wayne" shirt and original acid washed jeans just yet. He does share a little resemblance to Ruby Sue, though, don't you think? You know, Cousin Eddie's little girl? Anyway, enuff of this writin, I am off to find the keys to my smokin hot Z-28 Camaro so I can head out and race my slot cars.

Sunday, November 2, 2008

Water Is Drugs & Daddy Smokes Crack

Last week was Red Ribbon week in our schools... drug awareness week. Red Ribbon week always leads to lively conversation around our house. Clay and I had this conversation a few nights ago:

"Mommy, did you know that water is drugs?"
Uh, no. Why do you think that?
"Because some bigger kids did a play at school this week and they said water is drugs."
(He says this in his best 'duh, Mom!' tone, like he is about to share something that I obviously have NO clue about)
Hmmmm, do you think maybe you are a little bit confused? Why don't you tell me exactly what they said...
"Well, they did this play and one girl asked the other girl 'Have you been drinking?' and she said 'Yeah, I've been drinking' and drinking is drugs and drugs are bad"
Which, in Clay's 6 year old logic, means that drinking ANYTHING, including water, is bad... all of this brings him to the conclusion that water is drugs.

After a few laughs I explained the difference between drinking water/kool aid/juice vs. boozin' it up. This conversation reminded me of Red Ribbon Week when Turner was in Kindergarten and the memorable afternoon it led too. Here is a photo of Turner & Clay on T-Mans first day of big school:

So, picture these two out to lunch with their Grandmama & Grandaddy on a nice Saturday afternoon. Somehow smoking was brought up in the adult conversation... and since it was Red Ribbon week, drugs are on Turner's mind.

Turner chimes in... "My Daddy does drugs!"
Of course he says this nice and loud and clear so all the folks at surrounding tables can hear ;)
Grandmama: "Turner, your Daddy does not do drugs!"
Both boys: "Yuh huh, he does, he smokes!"
Turner: "That's right Grandmama, he does, Daddy smokes crack." (Again, nice and loud for everyone to hear, so glad I wasn't there!)
Grandmama: "What on earth would give you that idea??? Your Daddy does not smoke crack or anything else!"
Turner: "Mommy says he does"

Oiy! I *may* have had a habit of mumbling under my breath that "Daddy must be smokin' crack" when I thought he was doing something ridiculous/crazy/or that I just didn't agree with. And it's situations like these that remind me that little ears are ALWAYS listening.

But, like I said, it did make for some lively conversation and funny memories!

Saturday, November 1, 2008

Four Boys & A Baby

We had a great time trick or treating last night. Two buddies from the neighborhood joined us, Sam & Jackson, and we stayed out until the kids were begging to come home because they were TIRED of walking! Turner was a scary ghoul, Clay was, well... a spider outfit with a Frankenstein mask = Frankenspider, and Lanie was a 'tutu' bunny. Sam sported a skeleton costume and Jackson was a LaCrosse player (a John Carroll LaCrosse player to be specific!). Lanie wasn't quite sure about all the scary boys running around. Even more confusing to her, I'm sure, was that Daddy wore his famous headless man costume. A headless man wandering through the neighborhood carrying a baby in a tutu isn't a common sight and it got a lot of laughs! I went as a tired Mommy... a perfect fit! At least I did wear a Halloween shirt! The boys ended their night back here sorting & trading candy and enjoying another campfire with their Dads. Tutu bunny was pooped and after a quick bath she went right to sleep, although she was trooper who didn't fuss at all even though it was a late night.