Thursday, April 30, 2009

First Piggytails

I LOVE pigtails! Lanie has *just* enough hair to pull it up now.
Don't you just want to squeeze those thighs!?

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Time Flies When You Are Having Fun! Happy B'day Turner Reesie!

Yup, the boy's 9...the last of the single digit years for our amazing oldest son, Turner Reese. It really does seem like just yesterday that the little guy was making his grand entrance into this world and now we are celebrating 9 great years of memories with him. There are so many stories that revolve around this unique creation that God has entrusted us with and we look forward to many more. He is definitely a blessing and we are so thankful for ALL he adds to our lives and the lives of all those he encounters.

As for the big birthday, well, I think he racked up. I don't think I made out as well as he did on my 9th birthday. His loot included a new bike complete with a really loud horn that was hand picked by none other than his little brother. He also got a new Life-Is-Good shirt, a "Swiss Army Knife" (he just recently earned his 'Whittlin Chip' through Cub Scouts so he can safely carry a knife), an alarm for his bedroom to warn him of intruders (that would be his little sister) and a really fun dinner at a local Japanese Steakhouse around the Hibachi. Click here to watch the Qik Video that I streamed from phone while we watched the Japanese Chef entertain us all. By the way, did you know you can stream video live from your phone to the web for free and it's actually decent in quality and easy to do? Check out Qik for more info. From his point of view and mine, I believe he had a great birthday and is well on his way to another great year where I can only imagine what YouTube video this funny kid will choose to memorize next (ever seen Bon Qui Qui? Well, Turner can re-enact the whole thing!).
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Sunday, April 12, 2009

Easter...a day of celebration and fun!

Here are some photos from a great day of Celebration for the Risen King on this BEAUTIFUL Easter Sunday. I can't remember a more perfect day! The boys woke bright and early @ 6:30 to check out the loot they scored from the Easter Bunny, which included 2 western-style revolver cap guns, clip-on Sharpie's, DS games (Raving Rabbids, of course...what else would the funny bunny bring?) and of course some Peeps and other candy. Oh yeah, he brought them each a bottle of Magic Shell too! I think that maybe he meant that for me! Lanie woke to find that she had scored a Pink Pig, some boppies and some of those magic bottles that have the stuff in them that won't pour out. She's still trying to get that orange stuff to come out. With the way she turns it up, you would think it's a real bottle!
After the kiddos got all hyped-up on sugar and the grown-ups on coffee, we put on our pastels and headed to an awesome worship experience at Church of the Highlands where we joined many others as we praised our Lord...and the grandparents were there to share in the experience too! The church even gave everyone a free copy of the first CD released by the Highlands Worship Team-called Arise, which is appropriate for the day! It's a great CD and as I listen to it right now, reflecting on the day and writing this, I am reminded of the power that music has when it comes to worship. It really is a key to the whole worship least for Meghan and I it is.

After church, we returned to "Camp Richardson" for an AWESOME lunch outside under the blue sky with the grandparents and Lori and Steve. We stuffed ourselves with chicken 'n' dressing (Meghan makes it and it ROCKS), corn, green beans, mashed potatoes, ham, marshmallow/whipped cream fruit stuff, key lime pie, banana pudding, rolls, etc. and it was all wonderful. We then did a bit of ziplining...yeah, even Papa (Bill) rode it! I must say, even I was a little nervous...but not nearly as nervous as he was! I thought about filming it but then again I worried about what might end up on the camera so I decided not too. Come on...if he would have gotten hurt, it would be bad enough to have it on my conscious that he got hurt on the zipline I built and I didn't really want to be able to relive it all on-command via the Flip Video. But all that aside, he made it SAFELY and with a smile, the kids thought it was great fun to watch and he didn't break anything. However, I do think it's safe to say that it was a "one-time-thing" for Papa. We wrapped things up with a good ol' fashion Easter Egg Hunt for all the kids. It's tough when you know where one is and you see a kid walks right by it! I think I gave a few hints 'cause I just couldn't stand it! The kids had a great time scouring the yard and I think they found 'em all. But because we didn't count them, we may have an egg or two full of moldy skittles turn up in the coming days. And all the while, Lanie toddled all over the yard, found eggs, got her picture made a bunch (which is obvious from the album above) and just wore herself out. She was a real trooper, all smiles and I know she really enjoyed being outside with the all the big kids! Also, as the day winded down, the Turner's and the Vandiver's stopped by for visiting and fun, so we got to share this great day with family AND friends.

From my perspective, this was the best, most fun Easter we've had in a long time and I am thankful for such a great day and all it means! And it was especially fun because we were at our house. Simply not having to travel takes out a bit of the stress that holidays can bring and I know the kids liked hanging out in their own yard, so we hope it becomes a tradition...especially the egg hunt and Meghan's dressing! Traditions are good and we want our kids to have a few that they can look back on as they grow up and have some great memories. Maybe this will be one. Tonight, I will go sleep with a smile on my face because I know how truly Blessed my family really is and how much God loves and cares for us!