Tuesday, March 4, 2008

To call or Not to call...

So today's dilemma has become whether or not to call the hospital tonight and make sure it's okay to come in at 6am for another scheduled induction. If we call, we give them the chance to say "oh, we are sorry, but we need to schedule for another day because tomorrow isn't good." If we don't call, we don't give them that chance. But then we risk getting up again, loading up the car and getting there...being all ready for the delivery only to have our hopes once again crushed by those evil words of "we are going to need you to come back on another day." I think we are going to opt for the 'no call' and take our chances in the am.

So now the kids are gone AGAIN to Grandmama's house and they, as are we, really hoping Lanie arrives tomorrow. But for all we know, they are probably just thrilled at the idea of getting to miss a day of school. Turner's entire class made paper babies for him to give to his mommy. He was very proud and she is very impressed! That's what you see in the picture. For now, we are going to go out, run a few errands and have yet another 'last meal' before the big day. Stay tuned...

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